Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


I love my grandpa

I woke up today at 9...G'pa had an appointment an attorney about the farm. So we left soon after...It is gonna be different having to leave an hour before an appointment because it takes forever to drive anywhere!

G'pa's hip bothers him so he always needs a back rub before bed. This morning he said i gave him a good one cause he didn't feel pain at all and was telling everyone too. :)

The time with the lawyer was interesting...there are alot of little towns around here that have old buildings that make up downtown. This lawyers office was one of these old buildings. With the simple title "Law Office" above the door. It was pretty old fashioned inside. My dad and the attorney talked about legal stuff and the farm. Me and G'pa quietly listened. When G'pa did talk he said that he was praying to God to let him die! He was no use anymore. I can see why he would feel that way...after being a farmer with so much to do to doing nothing. But I don't like it when he says that. It upsets me too much and I had quite a time controlling my tears! I just don't know what to say and i pray God will give the words to be encouraging.

They talked about other alternatives for care in the winter, because driving to the doctor in a blizzard would take a long time. G'pa said he views a nursing home as a place to die and that him and G'ma want to stay on the farm as long as possible! This made me feel that I want to stay with them as long as possible.

We then went to dinner at this espresso is a really cool place, i love it! Then went to the hospital for a few hours to see G'ma. See is doing better but the doctors are keeping her longer for more testing. I suppose it's for the best.

Drove home then it was time to make supper. G'pa says I am a good cook. I am glad to be able and practice!

After supper me and G'pa went on the four-wheeler to get corn and put out for the wild turkeys...he said there was 6 in the yard this morning. Drove around the field and scared a flock of pheasant, took out the garbage, and then took the Thule and my now tires out of my Subaru. I let G'pa help as much as he could. It wore him out though.

Had a nice rest of the evening working on knitting my blanket ( I kept Fuzzy outside so she wouldn't mess it up). I'm using hunter green and a lighter green. I think G'pa wants it when I am done cause he asked who it was for and I said i didn't know yet and he said that he could use it to keep him warm once it gets colder. So I guess it is his when I'm done!

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