Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.



these are my notes from Fike Club the other night...and I must add that even though Terry really stressed this on the was just what I needed to hear also because us girls do struggle too!

Matthew 5:27-28
“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

  • you can't control the chemical reaction, but you can control the outward reaction.
  • address the issues of the heart...for where your heart is there your treasure will be also.
  • thoughts and feelings make terrible masters...partner with the Holy Spirit and turn your will over to Jesus, not your thoughts and feelings.
  • following the Holy Spirit transforms your thoughts and feelings to be of the Holy Spirit, only then I can act upon them.
Romans 7:14-8:1 (this is so good)
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. 19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. 20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. 21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. 22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
  • the battle between the flesh and spirit cannot be won by our own will-power, but it can be won with the power of the Holy Spirit.
1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
  • lust of the eyes: seeing things and wanting them more the God...ETC.
  • lust of the flesh: comforts, sexual, relationships, ETC.
  • boastful pride of life: stuff, achievements, position, ETC.
James 1:12-17
12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
  • the initial action of lust is not sin...moving from current reality to fantasy...that is when you sin.
  • fantasy then could become reality...then one prefers fantasy from reality.
Galations 5:16-25
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
My own prayer...
Father, I confess my sins to You and plead forgiveness! Holy Spirit please take my thoughts and feelings, may I go with your leading. Take my heart sweet Jesus, I give it to You! Be my strength in my temptations...fill my head with thoughts of You...fill my heart with feelings for You! i love you my great God.



Isn’t it amazing how God works!?! First I didn’t want to get married and God worked on my heart in that situation, now that I have that desire to have a family, right now, there is no road leading that way as of now. I have been thinking a lot about being in a relationship and observing others around me and my friends, I can see, and do realize how much work it takes! There is so much one has to put into a relationship! But I do desire to someday have one and in that relationship be glorifying God.

Also, I realize that this is not something I should be focusing on…God has been teaching me some amazing things and I need to focus more on Him and loving Him. So, I can truly say that I am glad not to be in a relationship, right now, because I think it might get in the way of what God has to teach me. It is not easy though…seeing my friends and other seem happy with their significant other is hard and sometimes I feel a loneliness that sometimes God can’t fill….but that’s another thing I need to learn. I shouldn’t need a guy to complete me and fill that loneliness and I need to have my Father do this before I can meet someone.

Maybe that is why God hasn’t brought anyone into my life for so long…sure I’ve had two “relationships” that didn’t work out, but I learned so much from the few months each of those existed. And was so thankful to Jesus for guarding my heart and I only needed to get those guys out of my head…my heart is still whole and waiting to fully be given to the one God has for me.

In conclusion, I am, I can say right now, fully content. It isn’t like this every day, but I realize that it is okay. I don’t know how long it will be until I do marry, but I glad to live for God’s glory where ever He has me.


Argh! I cannot do this anymore! It is so stupid! And I will not do it anymore either. I am done.

Whew! So glad it is over with. Now I can breathe again...breathe, just breathe...


just breathe...





Thinking about my Jesus

Terry read this story at Fike Club...then on Thanksgiving I read it to my family. I still can't read it without getting emotional every time. How can someone be strong enough to do this!?! I am now trying hard, and it is my desire, to think about my Jesus...and how He has been oh so good to me!

Mabel's Story
It can be helpful to see how God brings about transformation in the lives of ordinary people, so I would like to introduce you to a friend of a friend of mine. Her name is Mabel. This is what my friend, Tom Schmidt, wrote:

“The state-run convalescent hospital is not a pleasant place. It is large, understaffed, and overfilled with senile and helpless and lonely people who are waiting to die. On the brightest of days it seems dark inside, and it smells of sickness and stale urine. I went there once or twice a week for four years, but I never wanted to go there, and I always left with a sense of relief. It is not the kind of place one gets used to.

“On this particular day I was walking in a hallway that I had not visited before, looking in vain for a few who were alive enough to receive a flower and a few words of encouragement. This hallway seemed to contain some of the worst cases, strapped onto carts or into wheelchairs and looking completely helpless.

“As I neared the end of this hallway, I saw an old woman strapped up in a wheelchair. Her face was an absolute horror. The empty stare and white pupils of her eyes told me that she was blind. The large hearing aid over one ear told me that she was almost deaf. One side of her face was being eaten by cancer. There was a discolored and running sore covering part of one cheek, and it had pushed her nose to one side, dropped one eye, and distorted her jaw so that what should have been the corner of her mouth was the bottom of her mouth. As a consequence, she drooled constantly. I was told later that when new nurses arrived, the supervisors would send them to feed this woman, thinking that if they could stand this sight they could stand anything in the building. I also learned later that this woman was eighty-nine years old and that she had been here, bedridden, blind, nearly deaf, and alone, for twenty-five years. This was Mabel.

“I don’t know why I spoke to her—she looked less likely to respond than most of the people I saw in that hallway. But I put a flower in her hand and said, ‘Here is a flower for you. Happy Mother’s Day.’ She held the flower up to her face and tried to smell it, and then she spoke. And much to my surprise, her words, although somewhat garbled because of her deformity, were obviously produced by a clear mind. She said, ‘Thank you. It’s lovely. But can I give it to someone else? I can’t see it, you know, I’m blind.’

“I said, ‘Of course,’ and I pushed her in her chair back down the hallway to a place where I thought I could find some alert patients. I found one, and I stopped the chair. Mabel held out the flower and said, ‘Here, this is from Jesus.’

“That was when it began to dawn on me that this was not an ordinary human being. Later I wheeled her back to her room and learned more about her history. She had grown up on a small farm that she managed with only her mother until her mother died. Then she ran the farm alone until 1950 when her blindness and sickness sent her to the convalescent hospital. For twenty-five years she got weaker and sicker, with constant headaches, backaches, and stomachaches, and then the cancer came too. Her three roommates were all human vegetables who screamed occasionally but never talked. They often soiled their bedclothes, and because the hospital was understaffed, especially on Sundays when I usually visited, the stench was often overpowering.

“Mabel and I became friends over the next few weeks, and I went to see her once or twice a week for the next three years. Her first words to me were usually an offer of hard candy from a tissue box near her bed. Some days I would read to her from the Bible, and often when I would pause she would continue reciting the passage from memory, word-for-word. On other days I would take a book of hymns and sing with her, and she would know all the words of the old songs. For Mabel, these were not merely exercises in memory. She would often stop in mid-hymn and make a brief comment about lyrics she considered particularly relevant to her own situation. I never heard her speak of loneliness or pain except in the stress she placed on certain lines in certain hymns.

“It was not many weeks before I turned from a sense that I was being helpful to a sense of wonder, and I would go to her with a pen and paper to write down the things she would say. . . .

“During one hectic week of final exams I was frustrated because my mind seemed to be pulled in ten directions at once with all of the things that I had to think about. The question occurred to me,

‘What does Mabel have to think about—hour after hour, day after day, week after week, not even able to know if it’s day or night?’ So I went to her and asked, ‘Mabel, what do you think about when you lie here?’

“And she said, ‘I think about my Jesus.’

“I sat there, and thought for a moment about the difficulty, for me, of thinking about Jesus for even five minutes, and I asked, ‘What do you think about Jesus?’ She replied slowly and deliberately as I wrote . . . : I think about how good he’s been to me. He’s been awfully good to me in my life, you know. . . . I’m one of those kind who’s mostly satisfied. . . . Lots of folks wouldn’t care much for what I think. Lots of folks would think I’m kind of oldfashioned. But I don’t care. I’d rather have Jesus. He’s all the world to me.

“And then Mabel began to sing an old hymn:
Jesus is all the world to me,
My life, my joy, my all.
He is my strength from day to day,
Without him I would fall.
When I am sad, to him I go,
No other one can cheer me so.
When I am sad He makes me glad.
He’s my friend.

“This is not fiction. Incredible as it may seem, a human being really lived like this. I know. I knew her. How could she do it? Seconds ticked and minutes crawled, and so did days and weeks and months and years of pain without human company and without an explanation of why it was all happening—and she lay there and sang hymns. How could she do it?

“The answer, I think, is that Mabel had something that you and I don’t have much of. She had power. Lying there in that bed, unable to move, unable to see, unable to hear, unable to talk to anyone, she had incredible power.”

Here was an ordinary human being who received supernatural power to do extraordinary things. Her entire life consisted of following Jesus as best she could in her situation: patient endurance of suffering, solitude, prayer, meditation on Scripture, worship, fellowship when it was possible, giving when she had a flower or a piece of candy to offer.
Imagine being in her condition and saying, “I think about how good he’s been to me. He’s been awfully good to me in my life, you know. . . . I’m one of those kind who’s mostly satisfied.” This is the Twenty-third Psalm come to life: “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
For anyone who really saw Mabel—who was willing to “turn aside”—a hospital bed became a burning bush; a place where this ordinary and pain-filled world was visited by the presence of God. When others saw the life in that hospital bed, they wanted to take off their shoes. The lid was off the terrarium. Then the turn came, with a catch of the breath, and a beating of the heart, and tears. They were standing on holy ground.

Do you believe such a life is possible for an ordinary human being? Do you believe it is possible for you? This is promised in the gospel—the Good News proclaimed by Jesus: “The kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” The good news as Jesus preached it is that now it is possible for ordinary men and women to live in the presence and under the power of God. The good news as Jesus preached it is not about the minimal entrance requirements for getting into heaven when you die. It is about the glorious redemption of human life—your life.


Think of Me

For those of you who have heard Taylor Swift's Tim McGraw...Well then this will sound familiar. I rewrote the words to it to go with my summer, so yeah anyways...

Think of Me
Rewritten by: Rachel Young
(Originally Tim McGraw By:Taylor Swift)
You said the way my blonde hair shone put the summer sun to shame that day…I said that’s not true.
Just a guy with a Ford pick-up and a look that would make me smile every time you’d pull up. And I was right there beside you all summer long, and then there came a time when we woke up to find that summer gone…

When you think Nickelback, I hope you think my favorite song, the one we listened to while we’d drive along, with the wind blowing through my hair. When you think happiness I hope think my blue summer dress. Think of my hand brushing yours during those late summer nights. And when you think of iced black tea, I hope you think of me.

November saw a month of tears and praying you’d get out of my head, cause it can’t be like this. But in a frame up on my wall is a picture that you never saw from that night long ago. It’s hard not to find it all a little bittersweet and looking back on all of that it’s nice to believe…

When you think Nickelback, I hope you think my favorite song, the one we listened to while we’d drive along, with the wind blowing through my hair. When you think happiness I hope you think my blue summer dress. Think of my hand touching yours during those late summer nights. And when you think of iced black tea, I hope you think of me.

Now I sit here all alone with you still in my head. Thinking of that summer that never should have been, cause when…

You think Nickelback I hope you think my favorite song, the one we listened to while we’d drive along, with the wind blowing through my hair. When you happiness I hope you think my blue summer dress. Think of my hand brushing yours during those late summer nights. And when you think of iced black tea, I hope you think of me.
Oh think of me…
You said the way my blonde hair shone put that summer sun to shame that day…I said that’s not true.



Be content. That is what God had been teaching me over the summer. It wasn't very hard then, but for some reason it is now! I was in a state of God pushing me for more? I can't seem to be or feel content now... I don't know. Is it wrong for me to want to matter? To be important and actually feel like I am doing something with my life and going somewhere? Instead I have this overbearing feeling of insignificance! Am I the only one who feels this way?


I will be patient and trust God. I can have a joyful contenance and a peaceful spirit. I don't even know what I want or what I am looking for!?! But I know it can be found in God. I am a simple girl that lives a simple life. And I am content with that, but I do feel that I want to be more. I know this feeling will pass and God is teaching me something, but it is so hard for the time being!

I don't want to be here now, but I trust You God! Be faithful to me Jesus.



My favorite time of year!


Summer Times...

Well I thought I would journal a little bit today since I haven't posted anything in awhile and plus I have some time to kill before I have to go back to work! My summer has been going good and has pretty much been a great one. It is my last summer as a teenager haha, so I want it to be fun, which it has...I am working at the pool everyday...lifeguarding, teaching swimming lessons, and the best thing so far has been coaching! At first I was really nervous when I started, but it has gotten better and as been really fun! I think I pretty much got all 140 names down now! heehee! It has been good working with Reid and all of the kids!
I jumped off the bridge at Blackbird Island for the first time ever this summer, with Marika! Very, very exciting I know! :) Also went up to lake Wenatchee to the Boyd's cabin and went swimming and tubing which I screamed so much that it hurt to talk the next!!! Went cosmic bowling in evening dresses for Megan's tan lines with the evening dress looked lovely! lol! I loved the fireworks for the 4th of July down at Walla Walla park, and I had the house all to myself for a week while my family went to South Dakota to visit family, (even though I wished to go with them!) really, really!
What I want to do before the summer is over is go to the drive-in, go bowling again, go on a really long hike...maybe even camping, of course go back to lake wenatchee and try wake boarding!
This summer has also kind of been putting me in leadership positions, with coaching and returning as a guard...and I might be leading a biblestudy too! One thing I don't have is a guy...which really I am content not to! God has been teaching me to fall deeply in love with Him this summer! At the beginning of June I was kind of hoping to meet someone since I'm almost 20 and will be finishing school next year, but so far nothing! But it's okay, I love my heavenly Father and trust him for His timing! Until then I will enjoy the rest of my summer and fall even more deeply in love with my Father and my Savior! God will bring me my prince charming when it's time!


Summer Fun


Umm...yeah don't ask!!! heeheehee!
Look at us!





1. the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.
2. the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.

For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
I Corinthians 10:15

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.
2 John 1:3
(Thanks Ivory!)


The Christian Alphabet

Author Unknown

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain,
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame.
Even when the times are hard;
Fierce winds are bound to blow;
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know.
Imagine life without God's love...
Joy would cease to be.
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee.
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone.
Quit looking at the future,
Redeem the time at hand.
Start every day with worship,
To "praise" is a command.
Until we see Him coming,
Victorious in the sky,
We'll run the race with gratitude,
Xalting God most high.
Yes, there will be good times, and yes,
some bad,
Zion waits in glory, where none are ever sad.


Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter



------- -----are like apples--------------

--------on trees. The best ones---------

------are at the top of the tree.--------

----The boys don't want to reach------

---for the good ones because they ----

-are afraid of falling and getting hurt.---

Instead, they just get the rotten apples-

---from the ground that aren't as good,

but easy. So the apples at the top think

-something is wrong with them, when in

--reality, they're amazing. They just

---have to wait for the right boy to------

----- come along, the one who's---------

----------- brave enough to----------------

-----------------climb all--------------------

----------------- the way-------------------

-----------------to the top------------------

---------------- of the tree.----------------


This is just something I've been thinking about lately...

I read in God's Word the other day..."do not fret of worry," "wait on the Lord." It's so easy, yet so hard to fully trust in God with every detail of my life. Yet I encounter little compared to the persecution of people in other countries. Will I still trust God if I am persecuted because of Him? Now, I say I probably will, but how will I know until it happens? I want and desire to love God strongly, always and forever. Will I still trust Him even when I don't feel like He is near me? These aren't doubts...I'm more like questioning how strong my faith, my trust, and my love is for God. I don't want to be someone who loves God when it's easy then turn my back on Him when it gets hard! Or even the opposite of that...a fair-weathered friend...knowing God is there, but not turning to Him until it gets hard in my life for His comfort and peace.


What one sounds more like me? first result was ISFJ, as you can see, but when I did it again it was ESFJ! What one is more me? I think my first result is mostly valid! lol!
You Are An ISFJ

The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.

You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.

You Are An ESFJ

The Caregiver

You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.
A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change.
You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project.
You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people.

You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher.


Taken for Granted

My mom told me about this couple that went to Haiti. They were with someone who fed the children there from a nutrition company that supported him with the donations from people with their product. They couldn't believe the conditions that they saw there, but the children were ignorant of anything else except the life they knew. The children were happy and playing, but when they saw this couple they ran away. The couple then turned and asked the man they were with what happened. Were the children scared of them? But no. They were back after a few moments with their cup which they would receive their food in. The man had a big pot which he would mix 2 cans of the nutrition with water in it and dish it out into these children's cups. After the pot was empty he couldn't make anymore because he had to save the next 2 cans for tomorrow. But there was still 20 children in line eagerly waiting. The couple asked what about the other children. The man said, "there is no more"...but he paused and added, "you can be sure that these children will be first in line tomorrow."

This made me think, as I often do, about everything we have in this country, everything we take for granted...we are so blessed. My heart goes out to children like this and asks what can I do to help. What do you think?



I have been thinking allot about the Campus Massacre in VA...I just can't seem to grasp my inner thoughts, I'm not sure what to think about it. How can a single human being be so heartless? What did someone do to him that brought on the murdering of so many young people? Young people like me! Who had their whole life ahead of them, so many dreams and plans, just like I have! And they were taken away by the pull of a trigger! I can't even imagine the utter pain the friends and family are feeling right now! I've only felt a slice of that grief, but not as intense as them! I pray to God to bring peace to their hearts and comfort to their pain. I pray that this would bring them closer to God and that there would be no bitterness. Why did this happen? Why does anything like this ever happen?
God's will be done...if storms didn't come into our lives, when could He show His comfort. As John Piper says in his book The Passion of Jesus Christ, "Every act of treachery and brutality against Jesus was sinful and evil. But God was in it." And, "There was no greater sin than to hate and kill the Son of God. There was no greater suffering nor any greater innocence than the suffering and innocence of Christ. Yet God was in it all." I do trust God even though in times like this it is hard and sometimes confusing. When things so evil as what happened at VA Tech happen...God is in it, He is near! And I guess I can take comfort in that.


I Trust

Lord I trust my life to You,
In everything I say and do,
I trust the plan You have for me,
And will follow faithfully.

Though the pain and trials come,
I trust in You and Your Son,
Who died for me on the cross,
So I may live and not be lost.

As I carry heavy burdens,
At Your feet I’ll lay them down,
And when I am hurt beyond what I can bear,
I trust myself to Your Sovereign care.

Lord I trust my life to You,
In everything I say and do,
Let everyone see Your light in me,
As I trust You faithfully.

I trust, I trust, I trust.
She walks in beauty, like the night,
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright.
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light.
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.One shade the more, one ray the less.
Had half impair'd the nameless grace.
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express.
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

She walks in beauty, like the night,
Of cloudles climes and starry skies...


Shopping Fun!

A day of shopping and with friends! What more to ask for? lol! Dresses at Ross! Whata deal!
Also, the dressing room was featuring a one time deal. Listen to the enchanting voice of Megan singing celtic lyrics while you try on clothes. After that she then offers her advice on the last fashion and what suits you!!!

Nice flip flops!

Okay now maybe you're wondering about the last few pictures...well didn't you know, this is the latest style! duh! lol! j/k. it's fun anyway!

Marika, you're so beautiful!

"oh, I wonder what these are?"

"I know...take that!"

After a long day we kicked back and had a refreshing glass of lemonade! heeheehee:)

Air-Soft War!

I had so much fun on Sunday! Next on the list is a paintball war! Yeah! It was a great time up in the hills of Dryden! lol!
The gang! Oh yeah was this fun...running around shooting eachother with little plastic bb's, but having one heck of a fun day! :)

Devan and Kristen

Me and Muffin!
After a war way up in the hills, (miles away from anything! j/k!) Me, Devan, Jesse, Daniel, Rachel T. and me got sort of lost, but of course we had the reassurance of the guys, (who wouldn't stop for directions, lol) but us girls weren't too worried...

Didn't really get any action pictures, but Kristen did get some intense act of us "slaying" the boys in the chicken coop! Watch out!

Prepare to die! This is as probably as close to action as your gonna see!

Thanks for the pics Devan!


Well...spring break is over and a new quarter starts tomorrow. I think this quarter is going to be pretty easy for me as well as fun! I'm taking History, First Aid, Personal Wellness, and Sign Language! yup, yup! My spring break was good, nothing to exciting. Had a fun sewing day with a friend and I also went to see Shooter at the theaters with some other friends (good movie, kinda bloody). Yesterday I went to an air-soft war with even more was the funnest! Good times! I can't wait until Wednesday 'cause I'll get to see Marika!!!!!!!!


Promise of My Heart

Words and Music by:
Rachel Young
These words of my heart I must somehow say,
How often I think and pray for you everyday,
Wondering what you’re doing,
And how your life is going,
Hoping that you are somehow too,
Thinking of me as I am of you,
Because I love you.

This is the song I sing to you,
This is the promise of my heart,
Knowing that someday we will be together,
I will be true,
This is the promise of my heart.

This love that I have for you may seem strange,
To people of this world who exchange,
Their empty love.
Though we have yet to meet,
I promise to be pure,
Although I may meet others and still not be sure,
I will be true only to you,
Because I love you.
I now faithfully wait for you until you come for me,
My heart is patiently waiting ‘til together we will be,
Joined as one,
By the Father and His Son,
I now wait for the future of your love,
Until you come and claim my heart,
Because I love you. basically this is a song for my future husband wherever and whoever he may be. Hope you can hear it okay...


an A- essay

Coffee Comfort

Every person has a place that is special to him or her. A place where a person can feel like them self. There is a place I go to unwind, meet with friends, or do homework. This place is the Starbucks in Leavenworth. Every time I enter the building I feel a sense of belonging. Leavenworth Starbucks is part of a franchise that makes coffee drinks in a variety of ways. To me it is a location made up of friendly people and the aroma of ground up espresso beans. Starbucks has a relaxing atmosphere where someone can go to enjoy the comfort of coffee.

As soon as I enter through the door of the Leavenworth Starbucks, I am met with the intense, inviting smell of coffee. The next thing I am aware of is the people. The gregarious baristas are always looking proficient in their cheerful green aprons and permanent smiles. The customers are scattered about, waiting for their drinks. Many different people gather at this place with assorted attitudes and backgrounds, but they are all expecting the same thing, to enjoy a delicious beverage that can change their mood and help them have a more calming day.

I get my drink and sit down. The inside of the building is modern looking with vibrant painted walls, exotic decorations, and upbeat music playing in the background. This makes it tend to be more inviting for people to be able to sit and take it easy. As I settle down to enjoy my coffee, I take in my surroundings. The tables and chairs are set up in a homey fashion and the soft, comfy couches are very inviting. The whole place seems to radiate a calming effect on people. Even people who hurry around and people who are grumpy! How can anyone not enter a place like Starbucks and not have the atmosphere lighten their mood. All of the Starbucks stores are alike in the way that their environments are welcoming and calming. Even if I have to rush in to grab a drink, I leave feeling calmer then when I went in.

To me what enhances Starbucks besides the atmosphere is, of course, the coffee. There is something that is so calming for people just to sit down and enjoy a soothing cup of coffee. Starbucks coffee certainly adds to this environment to make a more cheering and comfortable atmosphere. Sitting in a comfortable chair, I sip the warm drink in my hand and my worries and concerns seem to dissolve like instant coffee in hot water. Anytime someone enjoys a drink at a place with a relaxing atmosphere like Starbucks it will surely be a wonderful experience.

Starbucks is a place where people can go when feeling stressed, lonely, or angry. Also, it is a place to go when feeling happy, pleased, or just a regular “I’m good, how are you,” attitude. Because of the soothing atmosphere it is also a place for dates, bible studies, hanging out with friends, or just finishing homework. I have gone there for all of these reasons, but the one that is most uplifting is when I go in the early morning with my bible and just sit. I read a little bit, but soon my mind wanders to what is going around me. The different people and their conversations. Friends greeting friends and smiling as they wave goodbye. The relaxing atmosphere just seems to express that it’s okay to take the time to treat yourself to something special. Everything that makes up Starbucks is calming to me.

Every time I go to the Starbucks in Leavenworth I usually see someone I know because so many people love to come and enjoy this wonderful place. Some people go there daily or even a couple times a day! The atmosphere is so relaxing that it attracts people because they feel at home and when leaving, they satisfied upon exiting this marvelous place.


Broken Windows, Broken Noses, and After Thoughts

Well...our family had quite an exciting day the other day! But not quite in a good way, mind you. To begin mom called me at home when she was going to pick up my brother from baseball practice. Apparently the baseball had hit him in the nose and it was assumed that it was broken! So, she had to take him to the clinic. Upon arriving home, we then received a call from my father, who was away in Portland, OR on business. Someone had broken the window of his jeep and stolen his briefcase, which had important work papers in it, and his fanny pack, which had his passport, GPS, and digital camera in it! Unfortunately, my Dad picked the wrong week to be there! On a random night once a year, someone hits all the hotels in Portland and breaks into peoples vehicles, so my Dad was not the only victim. In brothers nose was just fractured, so it will not prevent him from playing baseball, and my Father was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

My own thoughts: I was so angry that people are so...oh, idk, evil! ARGhhhhhhh! The feelings I felt when I heard what happen to Dad were so strong! How dare anyone one do something like this! I feel bad for Dad as well as everyone else who got robbed! Why do people do things like this? Steal from hard-working people!?!
Well I have quite calmed myself now and the only thing I can think of for WHY is because the world is evil...since the fall of man, we will always fall into temptation and sin. We would be hopelessly lost as sinners were it not for God's love, forgiveness, and the saving blood of Jesus. That is why I do forgive the people that did this and I pray for them. Not that they would give back all the stuff they stole, but that they would someday accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Who knows...maybe I'll be in heaven with them someday.


You Are a Purple Flower

A purple flower tends to represent success, grace, and elegance.
At times, you are faithful like a violet.
And other times, you represent luxury, like a wisteria.
And more than you wish, you find yourself heartbroken like a lilac.


Gift of Music

No longer able to control my tears I pull the car off to the side of the road. As I grasp to gain control of my emotions, the distressing thoughts fly through my mind and the questioning word surfaces once again. “Why,” I pray to God. I am not left in despair very long. My prayer soon turns into a song and as the music fills my head, I proceed back onto the road. As soon as I arrive home it will start, the beginning of a new song that will bring comfort and express feeling.

A note. A melody. A song. What is the purpose of music? How can I explain the feeling I get when I play? When my fingers glide over the keys or pluck at the strings and my voice forms the words it feels so incredible. Music is a gift that expresses a feeling.

People feel intense emotions every day. When words are difficult to express, music replaces the confusion I sense. Music can be an outlet of frustration, loneliness, and misery that I sometimes feel or of love, pleasure, and faith. Either when I get inspired to write poetic words that go along with a melody or just break out in an instrumental piece full of passion, music makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. It helps me communicate my emotions to others and attempt to make them understandable to people and even occasionally me.

The gift of music is a blessing. I use my talent in music to play an instrument or write a song. When I do this I am able to express the feelings I have in ways that can be an encouragement, not only to myself, but to others as well. I know that music I hear from other people encourages me and helps me be relatable to what they are feeling. Playing a song and putting what I feel into it is a blessing to others because they can be able to feel what I feel and it cheers them up.

Music is a gift that I had to work hard at. Over the years of hard practice my appreciation for music has grown and I value it much more. Although it took hours of daily practice to perfect the playing of an instrument, when I write a song, it takes little effort because I out my whole self into it. Expressing myself with music is the easiest thing I could ever do.

The gift of music is playing an instrument, writing a song with my heart, or listening with my soul. I know that I cannot live without music. I use it to articulate my deepest desire or just to vent out frustration. While some people may not understand this, it is my hope to convey the gift of music when I play. So when my heart turns into a song and music fills my head I am thankful for the gift of music.

(didn't do super well on this essay, but I got a B)


Remember Me

Don't forget to remember them. My cousin is in the armed forces and when we saw him he showed us all of this stuff he brought home from Iraq. He had pictures and videos from army life. He is now home and a new father. I am proud of him!


A 1/2 Birthday Party...

Dress crazy...half hair-doo, half different styles of clothes, mismatching earrings, socks, make-up...etc.

Having fun for Courtney's 1/2 Birthday Party! Birthday Girl!!!!
1/2 cupcakes...I left the cake whole...

Crazy 1/2 hair-doo!

Charades!!! Alissa and Louisa.

I'm trying to act out eggplant...with Reilly

Courtney and Anna (attempting) to act out snickerdoodle....

Pretty, pretty! Kristen and Celisse!

Our cRaZy group...


My new brother!

Jonathan Mikah Young was born Febraury 23, 2007 at 4:16P.M. It was the first time I was in the delivery room and watching my littlest brother come into the world was an amazing experience! I was so overwhelmed with joy! God is so awesome! Jonathan is so perfect, he looks just like a little angel! His fingers and toes are so tiny, but perfect and his black hair is so soft. Jonathan means "God is a gracious giver," and it is so true! I happily welcome this new creation into our family.
Holding my new brother just moments after he was born!
All cleaned up and looking beautiful!

He is 8lbs. and 8oz. and 21.5 inches long. He truly is a miracle!

Look at all that dark hair!

Under the light for his bilirubin.

This makes us a family of 11 now!