Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.



In the conclusion of my study of the book of John this year through B.S.F. (Bible Study Fellowship International) I have found that I have really related to Peter especially regarding the last several chapters. Reflecting on how the last half of this study, it is incredible how I would learn a truth almost every week! There would be something I would be dealing with in my personal and spiritual life and it would be addressed in the reading of the gospel of John. God is so amazing! Right now I think of Peter...and how after he denied Christ and Jesus looked at him in love, he went a wept tears of repentance and healing...I did not realize that after Jesus had risen He appeared privately to Peter to "restore and him and reinstate him in fellowship before appearing to the assembled group." It just really touched my heart to see the Lord's deep concern and love for His heartbroken disciple. Just another realization to me that Christ knows I will mess up, but He still loves me :'-) The final chapter of John finds the disciples fishing and Jesus on the shore. As soon as the disciples recognized who it was, Peter reacted immediately and jumped into the water to swim to His Savior...the time I read this, I got a picture in my head of rushing to be with Jesus...hmmm I can't wait! Finally Jesus ask Peter if he loves Him and to feed His sheep. This scene secures Peter as  leader. Peter humbles himself as tells Jesus that He know his heart....the Lord know my heart...He wants a humble and contrite spirit that trembles at God's Word.

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