Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


Why is it so hard to create meaningful friendships and sustain them?

This has definitely been the year of crappy friendships lol. 3 of meaningful friendships in my life have been toasted! Poof! Gone! Vanished! Extinguished! Should I keep going...? Or you get the idea :P
I am not bitter, more hurt than anything ya know? These people had been very special to me...I loved them. We hung out, had great conversations...and then it was like they didn't care anymore, they didn't give a damn. (is that too harsh?) I don't understand how someone can have a great friendship with another person...and...then...just...I don't know...not...
Anyways, it hasn't held me back. I keep seeking out other friendships...building those relationships. Opening myself up to get hurt. Every time you have a conversation with someone you are opening yourself up to get hurt. You trust that other person, you share your thoughts, dreams, you share your heart with them....give them a picture of what a kind of person you are.


  1. I know it seems futile at times to keep caring, especially when people hurt you the way they have... but along with the pain that comes from that, comes joy and happiness in new friendships or renewed friendships. Eventually opening up and sharing your heart will reap far more benefits than it did sorrow, and it'll all seem worth it then :) Just keep your head up Rachel! Guard your heart, but don't lock it away :)

  2. I love you Rakel and you're my best friend besides Paul! Lol. I know how you feel though. I'm nervous opening myself up too for new friendships in Pasadena. It's all a big unknown what will happen. I just am trying to trust God that he will bring good friendships into our lives and choose to bless us that way. I'm going to miss you so much. We will visit often though!
