Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


Summer Update

Well the summer is halfway over! I can't believe how fast it is going! I will be done coaching in 2 weeks...we have had a great season so far. I love all the kids and how much practice time we get to work on stuff. We have won all of our meets so far except for Ephrata, but it was really close, so we might be able to pull off a win at Champs! The last meet is this coming Wednesday against Leavenworth (USVT) and I'm feeling pretty good about it...I think we have a chance to beat them. Championships is on July 31st and then the pool party in on August 1.
Then August 12-15 is International conference for Reliv in St. Louis! Woohoo! I am so excited for this conference. First it'll be my last one until next year because I will miss National conference since I will be in Africa. Second, because I remember how motivated I was coming home from the last one until I hit the wall. Third I need this. Positive healthy people to lift me up and encourage me.
As for Africa, I have finished my application and have one letter of recommendation from my pastor. I have to get one more letter and then I'm meeting with one of our church deacons to talk about ideas for support and fund raising!
My Lost in God plan for the summer is fallen in a rut, but more on that later, I need to sleep...if I can, anyways...peace out.

1 comment:

  1. You can doooooo it Ms.Young! :) And you can still get lost in God! :) Btw, go Cashmere go! :D
