Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


Remaining in Christ

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." John 15:7-11

Abiding with Christ we are given the character of Christ. Trust the promise that by abiding we will bear beautiful fruit. The characteristics of remaining and abiding in Christ are obedience, prayer, glorifying God, assurance of God's love and joy.

I'm only going to touch on a few. First off, We LOVE him we have a supernatural desire to OBEY. With JOY! :) Joy in the midst of difficult situations is the mark of a Christian. And true joy is granted be the Holy Spirit. You know, happiness is self-seeking. So Lord, may I be filled with joy in everything!

Finally (this is so good, I love it!) "When we remain in Christ and His words remain in us, we begin to experience His thoughts and words filling even our subconscious thoughts and deepest emotions." WOW!!! This really made me think and reflect. I desire an even deeper and intimate relationship with Jesus! I would rather have HIM fill my subconscious and deepest emotions instead of the passions and lusts of this world which is what's mostly there now because of my sinful nature.
I posted this story on my blog awhile ago, but learning about this brought it to my mind's the link to that past  post on my blog...this is Mabel's Story...


Everafter Wisdom

Henry: Do you really think there is only one perfect mate?
Leonardo da Vinci: As a matter of fact, I do.
Henry: Well then how can you be certain to find them? And if you do find them, are they really the one for you or do you only think they are? And what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never appears, or, or she does, but you're too distracted to notice?
Leonardo da Vinci: You learn to pay attention.
Henry: Then let's say God puts two people on Earth and they are lucky enough to find one another. But one of them gets hit by lightning. Well then what? Is that it? Or, perchance, you meet someone new and marry all over again. Is that the lady you're supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them were walking side by side were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first or, was the second one supposed to be first? And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?
My thoughts:  Do I believe that there is only two people that are right for each other? It seems nice to think that way, for once someone gets married I'm sure they think that they had found the perfect one. But what about deaths....and in this day and age, divorces? Does God really create two people who are perfect for eachother? If so, then what happens if you marry the wrong person?
When I was younger I grew up always thinking that there was only the one perfect guy for me and it was just a matter of time until God brought us together, and until then I was to strive to glorify Christ with my single years until I met my prince charming. Now my thinking has changed. Of the few relationships I've been in only the recent one seemed to be flatter my mind that I had found the ONE! Doubts that kept coming up I just keep pushing aside...until finally within the span of a week God really made it startlingly clear to me that he wasn't the ONE. My mindset has changed now and I'm now at a point where...of undecided. Haha, sorry to not  answer directly. It seems nice to think that the is one right person out there for everybody, but some people think the opposite, that there isn't a right person out there, just have to find someone who you can't live without. So I don't know what to think and I fell like I'm rambling on. I do, but I don't think that there is only one perfect mate.
But what I do know is what is essential for the guy I marry to have:
  • a man of God striving to glorify and magnify Christ in all things
  • a man who challenges me in my faith and encourages me
  • a man who cherishes and adores me
  • a man who I respect
  • a man who's values and convictions align closely to mine (for example: a heart for mission work and Reliv)
And then not so essential, but nice to have:
  • sweet guitar playing skills
  • can go from country boy to finer things in one day
  • likes concerts and art museums 
  • likes to travel
  • experience in hiking/camping/backpacking
  • likes dancing
So...thats all I got for now!


Like the beat of a song, and eet is just not quite right, like most things are when we try to remember them after we've forgotten them.

This song basically sums up the way I'm feeling about my life the last year and a half in so many ways...

(the following is someones elses interpretation of the song meaning, and it fits)
When you lose something or someone dear to you, it's confusing and painful....

- It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song.
- You can't believe it; you were always singing along.
- It was so easy and the words so sweet.
- You can't remember; you try to feel the beat

"I found, is closest to the disbelief, the "I can't believe this is happening" feeling. And the last line 'You can't remember, you try to feel the beat' is trying to regain what you lost."

- You spend half of your life trying to fall behind.
- You're using your headphones to drown out your mind.
- It was so easy and the words so sweet.
- You can't remember; you try to move your feet

"The first line regards all the energy and the time spent trying to regain what you've lost, "falling behind" is like going back to when things were well, when you remembered the words to your favorite song. The next line, is about escaping your sorrow and your pain. And the next 2 lines are about trying to regain what you've lost by doing something familiar associated with it (in this example, that would be moving your feet like you did while singing your favorite song)."


Have a cup of coffee, say you went to church...

This is something that I was going to blog about awhile ago, but didn't. After church yesterday and hearing Pastor Josh go over the foundations of our church, thought I'd write my thoughts out. I went to a church with my Grandma and Aunt in MN last fall. I think it was non-denominational, but anyways walking in to the church was interesting. Now I'm not judging in any way, but when I walked in the first thing that came to mind was that this didn't feel like a church at all. I looked around and I see a coffee shop and tables surrounding. They had a lounge area where people were relaxing on couches and there was a big screen TV in the wall that had the video of the worship and service. People didn't even have to go into the sanctuary! When we got into the sanctuary apparently had missed the memo that it was jersey day so practically everyone was wearing a sport jersey of the favorite team. The worship felt like we were at a rock concert and should be screaming at the musicians and have all focus on them instead of worshiping God. I don't remember much else, but just left with an impression that Josh's words brought back to my mind again.
Just how churches are trying to come up with all these great programs and activities and ideas to get people and kids interested in coming to church. But really that is not what the church should be...the church should be sending people out to share the gospel. Basically working on the inside to send the gospel out that would bring people into the church. Church is about fellowship with the body of Christ and encouraging fellow believers. Preaching of the gospel and to share that with sinners. Anyhow, Josh said it a better way and this is my lame attempt. But really, I think there should be more to just going to have a cup of coffee and saying you went to church.