Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


If all I had was Jesus

The message on Sunday was Spirit-filled and thought-provoking...How Then Shall We Live 2nd Peter 3:11-13

Thought I would answer some of the questions Josh posed in his sermon. What gives me my identity? Is Christ defining who I am? What does this I identifying who I am in Christ? Jesus says to abide and  remain in Him...and I do this my loving and obeying Him. What one thing in my life is central? Whatever I make sacrifices for and rearrange everything in my life around is what that thing is...I know that I don't do that to spend time with my friend times I think I put myself as central...I'd rather sleep or watch a movie instead of talk to my Savior...I'd rather spend time on myself and my life then read the Word God has given me. This isn't my life though, why do I stoop to satisfying myself with temporary pleasures? OKay so this one really got to me, but I confidently can answer it...Would I be happy in heaven if Jesus wasn't there? It seems absurd to even ask this...but think about it, why would we need Jesus if in Heaven we will be completely more hurting and pain, but uncanny happiness in glorious pleasure with the ones we love! I wouldn't be happy if my Savior, my Redeemer, my Friend, my Everything was not there. That is the one thing I long and look forward to! Spending eternity with Him! Come quickly Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a great question.... Would I be happy in Heaven without Jesus? It cuts right to the inner motives.
