Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


Well, today I did my ride time in the ambulance for the second time...I need to get five patients contacts and after today I need one more!
I have to say that the one that meant the most to me, or really has been stuck in my mind I should say, is the one today where we had to transport a cancer patient from the assistant living to the clinic for treatment. The reason she needs an ambulance is because it is extremely painful for her to sit up.
She has lung cancer and something else was wrong with her sacrum(there was a crack in it or something). Well anyways, she got lung cancer from second hand smoke(her husband and kids).
On the ride to the hospital she held me hand; it was nice for me to be able to be there for her.It was really good talking with her will we waited to get in for treatment. She and her husband have been married for 62 years and still very much in love(he came along with us). She talked about her grandkids and her great-grandkids who are my age!!!
Oh, and she likes John Wayne, which is suhweet! And we talked about some of his movies. She liked Cowboys which I haven't seen, but apparently he dies in it! :( We both like the Quiet Man!
After we took her back to her room she said good-bye to all of us and even remembered my name!
It was just a meanful experience for me along the rest of the people I was able to help today! ;)


  1. Oh Rachel! That's so sad...but good. It sounds like you've found a job you will really enjoy and get meaning out of--that's so cool...
